I am a Romanian programmer, currently working in London, UK.
Currently my focus is on data science and machine learning.
Technologies that I've worked with: Python, Scala, Hadoop, PHP, PhpSpec, Behat, Magento, Wordpress, JavaScript, jQuery, Angular, NodeJs, SASS, Foundation, Bootstrap, git, PhantomJs, CasperJs.
To see my projects you can check my .
Movies: Coen Brothers and Ghibli are on top. More about this in the stuff section.
Here are a few projects on which I worked: meAnalytics - app to gather data about yourself. automatic testing with phantomjs for magento frontend sites. Websites: www.milanoteleport.com, www.salonsystem.com, www.joloves.com, www.grenson.com, www.ohmylovelondon.com, www.seraphine.com, www.gucci.com.
Here are a few projects on which I worked: meAnalytics - app to gather data about yourself. automatic testing with phantomjs for magento frontend sites. Websites: www.milanoteleport.com, www.salonsystem.com, www.joloves.com, www.grenson.com, www.ohmylovelondon.com, www.seraphine.com, www.gucci.com.